They can do that???
Last time our heroes tried to solve the mystery of the motor; this time our plan was to get the boat in relative ship-shape: put up the cockpit cover, and tidy up and find a place for everything inside.
It went well! We went through the boat from front to back, looking at each of the various storage compartments, tidied and pruned what we had on the boat. The evening was lovely, we had pizza and even met some of our neighbors.
Our goal was to have a boat ready to sail, and one where we both knew where everything was, and everything was at least close to being in a good place.

And then.
As we were leaving, Kim noticed that the compass board, stowed away in a part we had not yet got to, was covered in a thin layer of mold.
As we tidied that, we realized that our cooler, which had had a few drinks leftover in it, had a layer of… something unidentifiable in the bottom of it. It seems that some of the cans had corroded and leaked, yielding an unholy mess of something I would rather not look too closely at nor think too much about.
Well, at least the evening was beautiful.